Wednesday 7 September 2022

The First Rule of Self Defence


Self Defence has only one real rule and one real secret.

One sentence, five words:

Learn to hit Fucking hard!

Everything else we do is backup.

Sticks in the mind that phrase doesn't it?

I get asked the familiar "do you have to swear" question when I teach in this manner.

My answer is yes.

If you have witnessed or been involved in an aggressive situation, whether it escalated to violence or not, you will notice the use of swearing.

Unlike many languages, including most European ones. English doesn't have an emphatic tense. So we use swearing. We use it in our tactical scenarios to keep the sense of realism.

Try two versions of the phrase:

Learn to hit hard

Learn to hit FUCKING hard!

See the difference? Try saying them both out loud.

At many MA clubs you can learn to hit hard.
At STMA you learn to hit Fucking Hard.