Wednesday 7 September 2022



The best form of defence if you end up in grappling range is biting.

Rather than roll around the pavement trying to get a mount, guard, choke, or armbar, try biting.

Bite his nose, his ear, his neck, any part of his arm or hand that is restraining you.

In every witnessed and reported event I know of where biting has been used it has never failed to get a result.

You wouldn't use biting against a simple threat, and maybe not even against a serious threat.

But in a Life Threatening situation biting may be your best response, and may be your ONLY response!

Any "Self Protection" so called "Instructor" who tells you not to bite in a Life Threatening situation has NEVER BEEN THERE!
(and most haven't!)

Why do people keep dogs for protection?
Why do people fear dogs?
Why do some people muzzle their dogs?

Dogs don't punch, kick, use chokes or locks, or knives or guns.

A dog is dangerous because it has teeth and the ability to use them.

We also have teeth. We use them everyday chewing, biting, eating, crunching. We have a devastating natural weapon that doesn't need to be developed or trained or drilled.

We are born with the instinct to bite to protect ourselves.
We tell our children not to bite.
It is drilled out of us from an early age.
The training we need to do is to reverse this conditioning and become aware of the option of biting so you can CHOOSE this RESPONSE against a THREAT when needed.

The first defence is the barrier method (also known as the Condom Method).

Where a thick coat or jacket that an attacker can't bite through in a grapple. It works for bouncers and police officers.

If an attacker does get his teeth onto you, don't pull away, which will leave a bunch of your flesh in is mouth. Grab the back of is head and pull his teeth hard onto your bone, snapping them off.

The next defence is to gouge the eyes.
He can't bite and scream at the same time.

The next question I always get asked is what about diseases like HIV, Hep C, etc, that he might have, and that you can catch if you get his infected blood in your mouth?

It comes down to level of threat.

If it is a life threatening situation then you have nothing to lose and everything to gain.