Saturday 10 September 2022


We will be covering a lot of CRA at the start of the new year

Over the remaining 2013 hours we'll be adding more CRA as new and phase 1 members learn the hubud drills and the moves that work from them , and the advanced members and black belts cycle these over the kempo karate phase to jujutsu taijutsu

if you are new, think how many locks can be done from hubud

if you are senior, think about kempo free forumla and how it links karate to WC - how many tims can a check in a kempo set become a WC trap, how many more locks can be done in a kempo set - and if you get the hubud ref are they in fact ALL there?

All members should check the CRA board:

see what's there, what you know, what you don't know, and what is being re-cycled