Wednesday 7 September 2022

The Power Slap - The “Shocker”


The Power slap is delivered to the side of the opponent’s face with the whole palm of the hand hard and fast.

It is developed on the pads as is any other tool and practiced in line-up, with full use of the hips.
When you do pressups on the floor that is the area of the hand you use - the complete palm area.
It feels like a shovel striking the side of the head.

While the Power Punch is designed to knock the opponent out, and the Power Kick is designed to immobilise, the Power Slap is designed to SHOCK the opponent.

The opponent receives a stunning shock, is body will be frozen, and he will be in confusion. Shock will freeze the attacker’s body movement and interrupt is planned attack. His mind will go blank. He will be disorientated and will loose the ability to focus his eyes. His ability to attack or defend will be drastically reduced if not completely wiped out.

The dictionary definition of shock is:

“The effect of a violent impact or shake; a sudden violent effect upon the mind or emotions; an acute state of prostration caused by physical injury.”

Shock is a lack of oxygenated blood to the brain and other vital organs.

There is no medical cure for shock. Treatment is aimed at the cause of the shock rather than the shock itself.

Knowing these acts allows us to use this strike to send our attacker into shock and incapacitate him.