Wednesday 7 September 2022

Groin strike


The groin kick is a move nobody can withstand. But it is also difficult to get the range and angle in a real fight.

(Anybody who tells you otherwise has never been in a real fight and is just theorising about what they think they WOULD do.)

For strikes to the groin, we use the close range knee, or the kin kudaki 12 with the palm slap.

For low kicks we target the shin, knee and thigh.

Having said that, it is worth practicing a few groin kicks in case the opportunity arises.

If he leaves them swinging - set them ringing!

The kingeri groin kick is practiced in several kempo sets including Delayed Sword and Sword Destruction from the KF and both Thrusting Salute and Hooking Wings from the MK.

the kick is used to cancel the opponent's height and also serves to cancel his lines of entry

the kingeri is never the focus of the technique, just part of the sequence, a set up, and is never relied on in