Level One
Kihon basics
Lin sil die dar
Kick and retreat
Entry and retreat
Level Two
WC SD sets
Level Three
HIA 10 traps CRA
Level Four NRG
Dan chi
Bon lop, Vu Sao
Level Five
Chi Sao rolling 4 positions
Basic strikes
Level Six
Luk Sao
Level Seven
Gor Sao
Level Eight
Mok Jong and applications
Level Nine
Bart Charm Dao form and applications
Level Ten
Kwane Dragon Pole form and applications
This syllabus, if we want to call it that, does not include the 3 WC forms, just as Karate and Kempo do not contain the Kata. They do however contain the Applications, from which the Forms are derived in the first place.
Forms can be learnt seperately
The 3 WC forms are:
Sil Lum Tao
Chum Kil
Bil Jee
The WC weapons are the Bart Charm Dao short swords, which are detailed, and have a detailed Form, and the Kwane pole, which is very basic, in its Form and application