Tuesday 6 September 2022



We have 5 major HIJI WAZA elbow locks and five major TEBUKI WAZA wrist locks we practice in STMA.

Hiji - elbow:

ikkyo - oshi taoshi - straight arm bar push down
ude gaeshi - figure four arm twist
hiki taoshi - inside arm bar push down
ude hineri - branch up arm twist
waki gatame - arm bar

tebuki - wrist:

kote gaeshi - wrist twist - supination
kote hineri - wrist turn - pronation
nikyo - hon gyaku - bent arm wrist bend
tenkai kote gaeshi
tenkai kote hineri - into sankyo, then hiki taoshi

sankyo - a variation on kote hineri

Shioda Shihan 10th Dan Aikido lists 160 techniques in his texts, though it must be said that many of these are just very subtle variations.

He lists 10 variations of ikkyo alone. However 5 of these are individual waza in their own right. The same applies to the first three forms of nikyo.

So it is fair to say there are 100 locks in Jujutsu, just as there are 100 throws.

That makes 200 techniques to learn from standing grappling!

We start our training with one elbow lock and one wristlock which we practice regularly:

hiji waza - elbow - ikkyo or oshi taoshi
tebuki waza - wrist - kote gaeshi

if you only ever learn these two moves, they will work for you in real fights if the need arises.

From each of these we build a set of 5 hiji and 5 tebuki waza.
Beyond that we develop from the secondary and tertiary lists.

In hubud we have a list of 5 locks we practice which work in real time:

ude gaeshi
waki gatame
kote geashi

and one appendix - oni kudaki - which we apply from the inside.

With regards to irimi and tenkan in lox, we start examining this concept with ikkyo

Ikkyo irimi - take the elbow through uke's centreline and cut to 3rd point

ikkyo tenkan - step back and spin uke round and down.

Both turn a pin technique into a projection. Perfect examples of henka from a basic technique.

Once these concepts have been learnt in the first lock, they can applied to further lox as you develop.

Another way of looking at is is this - once you have irimi and tenkan you now have 3 techniques, all variations of ikkyo.

Stick lox are learnt at hubud and can be applied at sombrada, as can the fang choke.

This is the crossover area when lox are done with weapons either when:

1. both parties have a weapon as in a stick fight
2. you have the weapon as in an arrest situation
3. the attacker has the weapon so you disarm and use his own weapon the lock him


The basic grappling set in the Ninja Book Of Heaven is in the Kihon Happo:

Torite kihon goho:

1. Against lapel grab and punch - jodan uke, omote gyaku
2. Move back to ichimonji, then again with omote gyaku
3. Move back ichimonji, ura shuto, ura gyaku
4. Against double lapel grab - musha dori
5. Ganseki nage

The locks in the Ninja Book Of Earth come from the Jujutsu schools that Ninpo Taijutsu draws from

5 wrist locks - tebuki

Omote Gyaku - kote gaesehi - outside wrist twist
Ura Gyaku - inside wrist turn - kote hineri
Hon gyaku - nikyo - wrist bend
take ori - break the bamboo - outer
ura take ori - inner

5 elbow - shoulder - hiji

musha dori - elbow shoulder lock
muso dori - arm bar
oni kudaki - demon crusher
ura oni kudaki
o gyaku - big reverse